Hi hackers My Name is Mosaa author sadql challenge
Challenge is Medium with 600 points

First i will try write any username and password

And the server is responce a error

When i added a '
or "
the server response same previous response
I tried several query and also doesn’t get anything so i will try force the server to get error
Then in will change the email parameter from normal parameter to arrary

Great i get the email parameter is pass in addslashes
function then i will searche to get bypass for this function
T found the article
And now il will try to bypass the login
Now after use the technique i found in the previous article i get a sql error

Let’s write a payload to bypass the login %bf%5c'+OR+1=1#
But i found the spaces and or was deleted

I will try %bf%5c'/**/||/**/1=1#
but still have error

Okay let me put this payload %bf%5c'/**/oorr/**/1=1#
or %bf%5c'/**/o+r/**/1=1#
and done those working